Monday, October 3, 2011

Hemp vs. Wood: An Economic Battle for Power

My research material will be covering information relating to how hemp can be substituted for products made from trees along with many other resources. Hemp has nine basic uses they are livestock feed, construction, body care products, food, molded plastic, textiles, paper products,medicine, essential oils, livestock bedding, insluation and nutritional supplements. The Government has been funded by lumber companies to keep the legalization of hemp in place, but they should be looking at the many benefits that hemp use can have on a country in recession.

I will present this material spreading flyers throughout and talk people on church st. to inform people on the benefits of using hemp. My main audience will be of an older generation because I feel that they will have the want to conserve natural energy. Although I believe that there is a raising level of interest in young people as well.

I will be uncovering the truths behind how hemp along with marijuana has been labeled as a bad substance and that it should be extinguished for recreational use from society. Throughout previous centuries hemp has been utilized for a variety things and only until recent generations hemp's reputation has been ruined. However before said generations in the mid 1900's including people such as William Randolf Hearst, hemp has been an essential material for the progression of mankind. I believe that this is a fantastic way to bring back a new connection to nature all the while continuing human beings path towards success.

The United States along with the entire world could reverse many global issues if the legalized hemp products. The problem with natural gases to fuel the transportation of vehicles could be erased because the THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol) oils extracted from hemp could power our the cars and trucks needed for daily life .In fact the first cars created by Henery Ford ran on THC oils. The global issue of sickness due to cancer and inflammatory diseases could be eradicated effortlessly due to the fact that THC oils can cure these.

Hemp is the strongest soft material on the face of our globe. The public chooses to keep it illegal because one past generation due their lack of technology has drawn the wrong conclusions giving hemp it's bad name. Our government is funded by the timber companies to keep Hemp and Marijuana legal ultimately to make a hefty profit, but for what? creating ecological destruction.

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