Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Research Paper

My topic is on the legalization of Hemp throughout the world as a beneficial factor in the progression of human beings. I am writing on this subject because I strongly believe that hemp would only contribute positively to society. Hemp has aided people for thousands of years to succeed almost as much as petroleum and oil has. Hemp can fulfill the duties done by petroleum then don't you think hemp is the material humans as a whole should start investing in?
Today the disproval of Hemp comes mostly from the local governments because most politicians in Washington are against it. However it has been a popular topic in local governments, but really the only progression that has been made towards the legalization of Hemp has been a reduce in fines for possession (excluding California). Hemp hasn't really become as popular as its sister plant, marijuana. Most efforts for the legalization of hemp originate from attempts to make marijuana legal. Although Marijuana can be an essential part of our lifestyle as well especially in middle class America because of all the amenities needed in, which can be provided by legalizing Hemp. People are slowly beginning to support the use of Hemp/Marijuana due to the rebellious attitude against our receding government. The public is starting to realize that inviting this substance into american society would only help us to decrease the federal debt and raise the spirits of a once proud nation.
The upcoming elections are firing up with candidates who either support the legalization of hemp /Marijuana and others who don't. Those who don't see the war on drugs a success even though it has cause the american taxpayers billions of dollars and has put filled up our jails to the point of overflow. However the politicians who don't support the war on drugs understand that we must install lose laws controlling the flow of distribution as oppose to letting drug lords build dangerous businesses around the illegality of the plant. They also realize to many young people get their lives ruined everyday. If and when they get arrested they become almost completely unable to get a job, get into college and ultimately achieve the american dream. This would also lead to people turning to jobs that won't necessarily be watched by the government such as drug dealers and prostitution.
The legalization of Hemp/Marijuana is important because of all the benefits that it would provide. Giant issues that we have been trying to solve for decades now can be simply erased in one action. Problems such as as finding a cure for cancer and other inflammatory diseases, Climate change, the United State's current debt, the steadily declination of petroleum throughout the world, and most importantly world peace can be achieved by having people in power (government) realize the magnitude in which this plant could create a flourishing environment. The government needs to be informed and persuaded that being paid by timber companies will give the United states less money and more problems for long-term effects, but if they introduced the acceptance of hemp/marijuana it would rejuvenate our economy and please the majority of the public. The acceptance of this plant is necessary because it would help aid people in everyday life and for long term effects. Long term effects include an abundance of essential minerals that the adolescent mind could only profit from. This plant could be used to benefit society in so many ways and to just discard it from society would be wasteful. We must protect our planet by preserving our forests and save whats left to the oil to father progress technology instead of using it up illegitimately to human consumption. However this probably will never happen because the companies in charge of the Oil won't give up the power it holds to a plant.
The federal government must know how this herb would positively affects our society because if politicians in washington could fund more scientific research on said herb. Then together we could reveal how this substance could change our world for the rest of its time.
All we can really do is to spread as much influence and information about the truth having to do with Hemp. There really isn't that much that can be done because its in the control of the government. As long as the timber companies continue to pay the government we can expect no change towards the usage of Hemp. This plant could revolutionize every single industry and bring in a huge amount of profit which would in turn flip our current recession around. Which is why my second audience will essentially need to be the (EPA) because they need to update the popular belief that hemp and marijuana is an unhealthy substance and that it shouldn't be exterminated from society. I plan on presenting this informational blog to the local and federal government because they need to wake up and realize that its not a matter of making a plant legal its a matter of life or death to our beloved planet and ourselves. We must put into place a seris of laws that strictly control the distribution process of this "drug" instead of arresting a large portion of people and giving profit to drug lords by keeping it illegal. We are literally funding the drug cartels in Mexico by allowing it to be illegal which is exactly what we set out not to do.
The Legalization of Hemp is not only the answer to most of the worlds problems it is an environmental factor that is positive in the preservation of our forest. I also believe that if earth is set to run out of oil soon then a substitutive substance will be needed to acquired. I believe that Hemp could contribute so many health benefits to society such as fuel, molded plastics, body care products,nutritional supplements, essential oils, medicines, food paper products and construction. If Hemp/Marijuana was legal in the United states with limitations we would see a less people in jail, higher income of profits due to taxes and an overall more positive attitude towards what the United States values.
I will make efforts to promote political members who support my views and help spread to the word of their strategies such a the vocal point oh a Industrial Hemp farmer in Wisconsin, Jay Selthofner. I have reviewed his work and I believe that we need the voice of a person in Washington to lead the march in the legalization in Hemp such as this man. This will also include the exposing factor that our neighbor to the north has made it legal to grow Hemp for any use besides distribution.

▪ "Lawrence O'Donnell: Marijuana Is a Healthier Choice Than Alcohol &... - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Is Marijuana the Wonder Drug That Could Help Millions of People? | Health-be - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011.

▪ "Soybean Car - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Nation's First Hemp House Makes A Healthy Statement Push House – I... - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Benefits of Marijuana - Medical Seedbank." Medical Marijuana Seeds - Medical Seedbank. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Legalization of Medical Marijuana Won’t Encourage Teenagers to Smoke More: S... - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Top 10 Cannabis Studies the Government Wished It Had Never Funded &... - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Alcohol VS Marijuana - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Alcohol Is More Than Twice As Harmful As Marijuana: Study - Toke of the Town - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Support US House Bill HR 2306 - Legalize Marijuana InfoGraphic - StumbleUpon." Discover the Best of the Web. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. .

▪ "Industrial Hemp for Wisconsin's Economy." Jay Selthofner - Citizen Activist. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. .

▪ Miller, G. Tyler, and Scott Spoolman. Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, 2012. Print.

▪ Sullivan, Andrew. "The Cannabis Closet: ADD." Web log post. The Atlantic. 18 May 2010. 25 Nov. 2011 .

▪ Sloman, Larry. Reefer madness: the history of marijuana in America. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1998.

▪ Herer, Jack, and Leslie Cabarga. The emperor wears no clothes the authoritative historical record of cannabis and the conspiracy against marijuana. Austin, TX: Ah Ha Pub., 2010.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hemp vs. Wood: An Economic Battle for Power

My research material will be covering information relating to how hemp can be substituted for products made from trees along with many other resources. Hemp has nine basic uses they are livestock feed, construction, body care products, food, molded plastic, textiles, paper products,medicine, essential oils, livestock bedding, insluation and nutritional supplements. The Government has been funded by lumber companies to keep the legalization of hemp in place, but they should be looking at the many benefits that hemp use can have on a country in recession.

I will present this material spreading flyers throughout and talk people on church st. to inform people on the benefits of using hemp. My main audience will be of an older generation because I feel that they will have the want to conserve natural energy. Although I believe that there is a raising level of interest in young people as well.

I will be uncovering the truths behind how hemp along with marijuana has been labeled as a bad substance and that it should be extinguished for recreational use from society. Throughout previous centuries hemp has been utilized for a variety things and only until recent generations hemp's reputation has been ruined. However before said generations in the mid 1900's including people such as William Randolf Hearst, hemp has been an essential material for the progression of mankind. I believe that this is a fantastic way to bring back a new connection to nature all the while continuing human beings path towards success.

The United States along with the entire world could reverse many global issues if the legalized hemp products. The problem with natural gases to fuel the transportation of vehicles could be erased because the THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol) oils extracted from hemp could power our the cars and trucks needed for daily life .In fact the first cars created by Henery Ford ran on THC oils. The global issue of sickness due to cancer and inflammatory diseases could be eradicated effortlessly due to the fact that THC oils can cure these.

Hemp is the strongest soft material on the face of our globe. The public chooses to keep it illegal because one past generation due their lack of technology has drawn the wrong conclusions giving hemp it's bad name. Our government is funded by the timber companies to keep Hemp and Marijuana legal ultimately to make a hefty profit, but for what? creating ecological destruction.